Los Nietos School District Renews Its Contract with Presidio

Presidio has proudly worked with the Los Nietos School District over the past 3 years to strengthen its stakeholder communications. By working together, we make sure that students, parents, staff, and community members stay informed and connected.

We’re so proud that even in the face of the challenging budget circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, the Los Nietos School District’s Board of Education last week voted to renew our engagement agreement. We look forward to continuing to provide community engagement services at a time when stakeholder communications are more essential than ever, due to the challenges posed by the novel coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic.

The Los Nietos School District is the oldest continually operating school district in California, and it serves 2,100 students across four schools in Southeast Los Angeles County. Their mission is to provide “engaging educational opportunities and equitable resources so that all students experience excellence in learning every day.”

Photo of mother and middle school daughter next to Los Nietos and Presidio logos


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